Friday, January 19, 2018

Caramel Popcorn

It's National Popcorn Day and I'm over here celebrating! I love love love popcorn! I can't believe how warm and dry the weather is out here in Southern Utah this year. It's kind of scary, so hopefully we'll get some moisture soon! As much as I love the movie theater, sometimes I just prefer sitting at home and watching a movie with some popcorn in my pajamas and fuzzy socks. I'm so much more comfortable and it's way cheaper too! But, I swear that my attention span is totally lost during a full-length movie unless I have something to munch on. And that's usually (okay, always) popcorn! I love the microwave stuff, picking up a bucket from the theater and bringing it home, or even air popped corn from home. But the special treat is the rarely-made caramel popcorn.

When we were first married and I discovered how good this stuff was, I made it a ton. Bad idea, surprisingly (not really) it's not that good for you. So now, we decided to make it a special treat when we want to indulge in the goodness of it. It's a sweet caramel sauce that is made perfection with the sweetened condensed milk. My in-laws make it and it's one of the best things ever! I'd say that it's part of the reason why I married my husband, but I actually never even had it until we were engaged. I'm pretty particular about food and if I haven't liked something before, I'm not very willing to try it. When I was younger, I had caramel popcorn but but it was more of a hard coating than this and I didn't like it. So, after they told me "caramel popcorn" I was pretty much thinking no way, but I took a little so I wouldn't be rude and I was hooked. Best stuff ever.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Taco Tuesday is one of my very favorite things to make. They always taste amazing because you can totally cater them to what you're feeling like that day! Well, I'll be honest and tell you that Michael is usually in charge of Taco Tuesday, so he always makes them...another reason why they're the best! There's such a hype about Taco Tuesday, I'm totally making up a new day later in the week: Taquito Thursday (or Friday or Saturday....I could seriously eat these things any day)!! Here's to more salsa and tortillas because they're the best things ever.

This is another slow cooker meal, so definitely a huge winner in my book! I found these from @motivationmindy on Instagram and she raves about them too. They honestly taste so good. I dip them in a little bit of ranch. Have you tried the Greek Yogurt Ranch before? I'm a huge fan, the calories aren't high and when eating it, it doesn't make you feel like you're eating something gross. I was kind of thinking the taquitos would taste a little funny because sometimes homemade things son't taste as good as restaurants in my opinion. But, I will never buy taquitos again, not frozen or from a restaurant because these are that dang good! They're perfect for weeknight dinners for something quick. I also love them on the weekends because I like to eat "fun foods" on the weekends for dinner. Pizza, taquitos, sandwiches, burgers, etc. are so good when you make them at home and I like to have a fun, relaxing dinner on the weekends after I've cleaned the house and just want to relax and hang out.