Sunday, December 10, 2017

Cheese Ball

16 Sugar Cookies

Thursday, December 7, 2017
The Best Navajo Tacos

I'm in my last week of school for this semester and oh man, I'm so ready for it to be done! I only have 5 (FIVE!!) more things to do, including finals, for school and then I am done until the second week of January. I love December because 1) the break from school 2) my birthday month 3) our wedding anniversary 4) Christmas 5) I get to spend so much time with my family 6) Christmas lights 7) just the whole entire amazing spirit that's around during the Holidays. I can't get enough of it!
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
5 Best Autumn Soups
I love autumn and I'm not ashamed. Haha seriously though, it's probably my favorite season of them all. I can wear jackets and boots, and looser clothing that is way more comfortable than summer clothing. And I'm totally not a flip-flop girl so everything about this season is right up my alley. And the best part about it is that I can finally start bringing soup back to our meal plans. I try to stretch it out as long as possible, and when it's hotter outside than the soup simmering in the pot, I just know it's time to stop. But, I try to bring them back at the earliest moment that I can! These are some fall favorites that and a group of ladies and I have gotten together for everyone! Soup that everyone will be sure to love!
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Zucchini Boats

Zucchini is one of my absolute favorite things to eat! I love the end of summer/beginning of fall because that's when we have tons of zucchini harvested and we can eat it any time we feel like it. Garden/farmers market zucchini is best for these boats because they're larger and easier to stuff, but these smaller ones from the grocery store work out just fine!
I tried using ground turkey with these instead of ground beef, and
I did not like it...the texture was different and taste wasn't good to me. My husband
liked them, but I decided that I like the ground beef ones a ton better! I also
didn't use the inside of the zucchini to mix in because I didn't think the
seeds would mix very well. I liked adding the tomatoes into the recipe
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Perfectly Autumn Pumpkin Bread

Now, I have to half the recipe or try and give some away because I know if this bread is sitting there, I could eat it all gone.
Monday, October 16, 2017
Slow Cooker Chicken Noodle Soup

These egg noodles are a game changer. That’s one thing I have a hard time with soups is when using noodles, that they expand. That’s a no-go for me because I LOVE leftovers. So sometimes I cook the noodles in a separate pot with chicken broth and drain them and then just keep them in a separate container to store and just scoop into the rest of the soup when I’m ready to eat it. But, a lot of the time I forget stuff like that. But, chicken noodle soup is my favorite with egg noodles. They expand a little bit, but not nearly as much as regular pasta so they’re usually okay to leave in with the rest of the soup.
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Monday, September 18, 2017
Back to School: Simple Snacks

Sunday, September 17, 2017
Simple Oatmeal Bars

These things are the best! Three simple ingredients and viola, they're done in 5 minutes. I like to add different things to my bars too. It makes them seem less plain, and you don't get sick of them that easily because there's always new flavors in them. Some things I like to add: chocolate chips, nuts, dried fruit, or other grains.
So, here's how to do it! For every 1 1/2 cups of oats, add 1/2 cup peanut butter, and 3 Tbsp. honey. You can definitely add more honey, up to 1/2 cup, but we like the peanut butter to give most of the flavoring. Melt the peanut butter and honey on the stove and once melted, add oats. Mix until combined very well, and then add other ingredients once they're cooled off just a couple minutes. Flatten on am 8x8 pan that has a tin foil lining(if you're making more, use a 9x13 or cookie sheer). Let set in fridge for about an hour.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Basic Mini Cheesecakes

I like to make flavored cheesecakes so much. I love trying new things and mixing new flavors together that I know I will always love because, cheesecake. But, sometimes you just need that classic flavor. One of the perks to a plain cheesecake is that you can add any toppings you would like to it. Perfect for a cheesecake bar or something like that. Some I’d recommend: fruit, nuts, chocolate, caramel, and candies.
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Sunday Dinner Crockpot Roast and Potatoes

Monday, August 28, 2017
Chicken Biscuit Rolls

chicken meal,
dinner for two
Monday, August 21, 2017
Rise and Shine Breakfast For All

breakfast meals,
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Two Dozen Chocolate Chip Cookies

I never really liked cookies a ton growing up, but I have come to like them a lot more recently. I don't know why exactly though? I'm a chocolate lover, and usually brownies and ice cream means more chocolate, so that's my only guess. Ice cream is still my dessert of choice, but chocolate chip cookies are coming to be a very close second. Lucky for me, cookies are a lot easier to make than ice cream is, and it's also easier to share cookies with neighbors and friends. The day before my brother left on his mission, we got together and had dinner as a family. I brought these cookies for dessert, but they were gone before we even finished cooking dinner. SO GOOD! I have a favorite recipe, but they make like 8 or 9 dozen cookies, and that's way too many for me because after sharing, I still have about half of them left. And you know, I could eat all of them.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Mashed Potatoes for Two

The first couple of times I made mashed potatoes, I used about 8 potaotes, sour cream, cream cheese, butter, shredded cheese, you name it. I didn't quite know what was healthy to put in them regularly and definitely not how many potatoes to use when preparing them for only two people. So, after about one year, I've finally gotten it to be able to feed two people for two meals, and it's perfect for us since we do leftovers. So, if you're feeding four people for dinner, you'd be set there too!
dinner for two,
mashed potatoes,
Monday, August 7, 2017
Family Favorite Zucchini Brownies

I can't believe that summer is winding down. We have hiked all summer, hung out with family, and just hung out. My husband has been working like crazy. He is a temporary worker for the Forest Service, and hikes for 40 hours each week, plus overtime almost EVERY SINGLE WEEK! Like 50-60 hours each week, he is hiking straight up the mountains. And it amazes me because, I don't think I could do that. When we hike for 5 hours, I am pretty much dead by that point. So, I am excited to be able to spend time with him when school starts. We are wanting to do one more fun trip before school starts. I'd love to hear any ideas if you have any!
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Mixed Roasted Veggies

Now that it’s August, it means that school is starting this
month (not until the 28, but still)….and it has put me in “back-to-school/Autumn
mode”. Summer is pretty much over for me it feels like, and these last few
weeks are going to be busy ones! Next week, my little brother is leaving on a 2
year service mission in Arkansas, so we won’t see him for two whole years,
hopefully it goes by fast because I’m going to miss him! A few days after that,
my husband’s brother and his wife are having their wedding reception. They were
married just about two months ago, but it had to be kind of rushed because my
father-in-law was going to marry them and he was being released as a bishop
that next week, so they decided to get married a little earlier than anticipated
and have their wedding reception on the planned date. I’m so excited to attend
their reception to celebrate their marriage and cute family. And also, because
it means family members who have been living in Texas and Wyoming are coming
back to Utah and I’m looking forward to seeing them! All my nieces and nephews
get to be in one place haha. That’s one of my favorite parts about being
married into this family, Michael’s the youngest in his family so everyone has
kids already that we get to play with. On my side of the family, I’m the only
one married so it’s fun having two such different family dynamics because of
the age differences.
dinner for two,
meals for two,
sides and snacks,
Monday, July 31, 2017
Week Two Dinner Plan

Monday- Hamburger BBQ
Tuesday- Grilled Tilapia cooked with Lemons and Garlic with Quinoa and corn
Wednesday- Yummy Ritz Cracker Chicken with rice and Cooked Carrots
Thursday- Loaded Spaghetti with turkey kielbasa and steamed squash
Friday- Grandma's Chicken Marinade with Sweet Potatoes and steamed broccoli
Saturday- Quinoa Chicken Nuggets with Seasoned Oven Fries and frozen peas
Sunday- Pulled Pork Sandwiches and Pasta Salad
dinner for two,
dinner plan,
Meal Plan,
meals for two
Thursday, July 27, 2017
No-Bake Raspberry Lemonade Dessert

I'm all about light summer desserts because it seems like there is always another party to go to during the summer. I'm a Mormon (you can learn more about our religion here, and no....we don't practice plural marriages) and when boys turn 18 and girls turn 19, they are given the opportunity to choose to serve a mission for our church. And since everyone is out of school for the summer, many of them leave during those months. Coming from a small town, everyone knows everyone else, and we attend a meeting where the person leaving or returning gives some remarks and then afterwards, we have a dinner and visiting afterwards. So, it seems like almost every Sunday, there is a dinner going on that you can contribute to. So, desserts and salads are on repeat for about five months, and I really don't mind.
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Loaded Spaghetti Sauce for Two

I like my spaghetti sauce to be filled with everything, but you could easily take those things out and it wouldn't make that much of a difference. I changed this recipe up a bit from Fox and Briar. Her recipe is marinara sauce and it is about double the amount as mine, so try that one if you want a little more of a simple marinara sauce!
dinner for two,
healthy dinner,
whole wheat
Monday, July 24, 2017
Summer Salads

These summer salads are tried and true by these bloggers and they will for sure be a hit at your summer get-togethers. I love salads in the summer because they work for pretty much anything. Make them for yourself and you have lunch for a few days, or for a potluck BBQ.
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Chicken Stir-Fry for Two

Making dinner is the summer is a struggle some days! When it's so warm outside, you just don't want to turn your oven on and cook food. But sadly, you just have to eat! I have tried for months to make a stir-fry that I have actually really enjoyed. Most of the time, I just choose to make the frozen bags because it cooks so much better! I try so many different recipes and they have not worked for me. They're too spicy, soggy, meaty, etc. and I just haven't found one that I'd like to use again. It's also so difficult to find one just to feed two people! So, I decided to try one for myself, and I personally really enjoyed it. Michael said it was his favorite one yet too, so that makes two...all we need in our house!
I had to fix the problems that I didn't like. Soggy stir-fry is not something I like AT ALL!! I don't like mixing foods very much because they all mush, so I decided to cook the stir-fry and sauce seperately. I made the teriyaki in a pot and it turned out just fine! My favorite teriyaki recipe is from Food.com. There is extra sauce, but I usually save it for a couple of days and put it on leftovers and rice. I also wanted a good amount of meat to veggies. I used one chicken breast and cut it into larger pieces. I also limited the veggies what we wanted and cooked them all together!
chicken meal,
dinner for two,
meals for two,
Monday, July 17, 2017
Week One Dinner Plan

Saturday, July 15, 2017
Lemon Bread

This lemon bread is fantastic! It makes one loaf, so that's perfect for a small number of people. This is, of course, more of a dessert bread, so the one loaf works great for me so I can make sure not to overeat like crazy. Bread is one thing that Michael and I can eat a TON of (and sadly, it doesn't even matter which kind). This lemon bread has been a favorite of mine for years. One of our family friends made it for us every year for Christmas, and it was one of my favorite Holiday treats. After we were married, Michael tried some and absolutely LOVED it, and even asked for it on his birthday instead of a cake. So, it's now on repeat for our treats we choose every once-in-a-while.
This bread is pretty simple to make. I use my KitchenAid to mix it. Honestly, I use my Kitchen Aid all of the time. For breakfast, I like to beat pancake or waffle batter in it, and it always leaves it perfect. Muffin mix in this thing is great too, especially if you're using fresh fruit, because it doesn't mash them up too much. I also use it to mash motatoes (instead of actually mashing them) and it whips them up to make them super creamy. You can also knead bread in your KitchenAid! And, of course, I use it for all of my desserts that I love: cookie dough, brownie and cake batter, breads, and cupcakes. It's my go-to, and I am always so excited to find something new to do with it.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Garden Rotini Pasta Salad

Really, this recipe is so simple. I like to use Kraft dressing because it has a really good taste! I buy the garden noodles to make them a little bit more nutritious, they use spinach and other veggies mixed into the noodles!
Friday, July 7, 2017
Spinach and Basil Lasagna

I halved this recipe, and it still could've fed 4-6 people. We had leftovers and then some. But, it's a great aount of lasagna for two people still, it would easily last three meals! We really loved this recipe and I am so excited for you all to try it!
I was surprised at the simplicity of this lasagna, I think I have always thought it was a very difficult meal to prepare, and while it did take more time than some meals, it wasn't the most difficult meal I have prepared, and didn't take up a lot of my time. This recipe is your meat, carbs, and vegetables all rolled into one. I still steamed some broccoli for more veggies, but I spend about the same amount of time in preparation of this meal as most meals, it just took a little longer to cook. It tasted fresh, healthy, and warmed us right up. I'll definately be keeping this meal on our meal plans!
beef meal,
dinner for two,
healthy dinner,
healthy meal,
meals for two,
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Patriotic Chocolate and Yogurt Covered Raspberries

Growing up in a small town, I have had now, almost 20 years of small town 4th of July celebrations. If you haven't been to a small, rural community for Independence Day, you absolutely have to do it. Even if you know nobody there, you will feel welcome. Usually, the day starts off with a 5K that my mom ran regularly growing up. After that, the American Legion puts on a breakfast where my family eats pancakes, bacon, and eggs. After this, the festivities really begin. We spend the day at the park where there are classic activities including: egg toss, three leg race, finding coins in the hay, and a dunk tank. We eat lunch and enjoy a program that runs throughout the day. After lunch, the fire truck pulls in for a big tug-of-war where everyone gets soaked. Our next stop is the local pool where there is a discount for the day. By now, everyone is pretty tired. So, we go home and take a nap until dinner. Dinner is filled with fresh food, homemade ice cream and rootbeer, and of course, watermelon. The 4th of July parade takes place on Main Street, and then we end the day with a patriotic program and fireworks at the football field. It's wonderful, and I don't think that anything will ever live up to the celebration of this holiday at home. I love supporting America and what this country was built on.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Disney Copycat Pineapple Dole Whips

Thursday, June 22, 2017
German Pancakes for Two

Now, when we make big pan, we eat them all and stuff ourselves silly. So, I decided I would try to half the recipe and see how it worked out. And it turned out perfectly! It works out so great for us because it's a fun breakfast without being too filling or anything. My sister-in-law has the full recipe on her blog, as well as an amazing syrup! I like to make this syrup every once-in-a-while for a special occasion, but it's a lot of sugar and extra work. But, for birthdays and special occasion, I absolutely love it!
breakfast meals,
easy cooking,
meals for two
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Baked Chicken Rolls

I honestly don't think I could rave enough about family recipes. I received a bunch of them from my grandma at my bridal shower and they are some of my favorites. They're so classic and just yummy! These chicken rolls were made by my mom growing up and she said this was the meal she requested for her birthday dinners as a young girl. They're a bit of a change from your regular baked chicken so it's a little refreshing to have the switch-up. I made them for my family and my younger brothers really enjoyed them, because my mom hadn't made them in a while. It's always fun for younger children because they're automatically fascinated with the toothpicks in them and somehow makes it more interesting to eat. Everyone will love this meal when you make it!
This is a pretty simple meal. I like to use chicken tenders because it makes them a lot easier, but you can use chicken breasts and cut them up to the size of tenders (about 3-4 pieces of the breast make a good size). I like to use fresh chives and parsley for this recipe also! And, as always, this recipe feeds two people plus leftovers! This can easily be doubles or tripled to feed more mouths!
baked chicken,
chicken meal,
chicken meals,
dinner for two,
Friday, June 16, 2017
Quick & Easy Quinoa

When using it as a side, I like to cook it with chicken broth to add a little bit of flavor. It doesn't have a strong taste, so this small thing helps a lot. Preparation is a lot like rice. It's double the amount of water to the dry quinoa. You put them both in the pot together on high until it boils, then cover and cook on low for about 15-20 more minutes. The more you are cooking, the longer it will take. You will know it's finished when there is no longer water at the bottom of the pot.
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Garlic Lime Sautéed Chicken

I have always loved summer, but after being in college, I have a whole new appreciation for this break! Besides work, there aren't as many responsibilities (homework, studying for tests, projects, and everything else that comes along with school) that take up my day-to-day. My husband works 10 hour days, and I work early in the morning, so we only get to spend our evenings together. We pretty much have time for exercising and eating, and maybe visiting our families before we fall asleep to wake up early again in the morning. It's busy, but on the weekends we get to fish, swim at the lake, hike, and spend time with our families, so I'd say all of the busyness is worth it!
chicken meal,
chicken meals,
dinner for two,
meals for two,
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Easy Apple Muffins

meals for two,
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Simple Sweet Potatoes

I like to cook them in tin foil, mostly out of habit. It's simple and they taste great! Sweet potatoes caramelize a bit while cooking, so whether you wrap them or not, put a layer of tin foil or a cookie sheet underneath them so it doesn't get your oven all dirty. I prep them just as regular potatoes: wash, poke holes with fork, wrap in tin foil. SO SIMPLE! I don't add oil or salt. You can make them the same without wrapping them too. I love baked potatoes because they don't really require a seperate dish to cook them in and that makes it a winner in my book! I don't like to add brown sugar to mine unless I'm eating them as a dessert, so I like to use cinnamon and honey as an extra sweetener. You can also add many other toppings, depending on how you want it to taste.
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Yummy Ritz Cracker Chicken

One of my favorite things about getting married and recieving new family members is the new food that I have been introduced to- you know, added to the great people you are now faily with! You grow up eating food that is familiar to your specific family and heritage and you absolutely love it, but becoming a part in a new family, you are able to try so many new things. One of my favorites that my mother-in-law makes is what they call "Yummy Chicken". It's covered in Ritz Crackers and is crispy and buttery, such a perfect chicken bake!
This is a very simple recipe, and it is a switch-up from your regular battered chicken. Using plain yogurt makes it savory and really keeps the chicken soft while cooking.
My awesome sister-in-law runs a food blog, High Heels and Grills, and I retrieved the recipe from there. My recipe is catered to a smaller number of people, so check out her Baked Ritz Garlic Parmesan Chicken Strips if you're making these for more than about 2-3 people (or you can just double this recipe, but I'd totally recommend reading her posts because they're great)!
The simplicity of this recipe is unreal! All you need is chicken, plain yogurt, Ritz crackers, parmesan cheese, garlic & seasoned salt, butter, and salt & pepper. I just crumble up the Ritz in their packaging and put them in, it's a lot less time consuming than transferring them to a plasticbag. I also like to experiment with the different flavors of crackers, so far, the "Everything" flavor has been my favorite. SO EASY!! You can bake it on a cookie sheet, or a 3x19, and it turns out perfect every single time.
baked chicken,
chicken meal,
ritz crackers
Monday, May 15, 2017
Lemon Raspberry Cheesecake
If I could choose one dessert to eat for the rest of my life, it would be either cheesecake or ice cream. I honestly think that could be one of the most difficult decisions of my life. But, since cheesecake is up there, I thought that I'd share with you my favorite cheesecake recipe. I love eating cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory, that's my first choice for birthdays and special events- my husband even took me there to eat the day he proposed to me because that's how much I really enjoy it. I love ALL of the cheesecakes there, but mostly the chocolate or caramel flavors (favorite main dishes are the Chicken Madeira and Grilled Chicken Tostada Salad).
This cheesecake is quite a bit of a change from your typical cheesecake, it's actually very light and fluffy. I do enjoy the decadent cheesecakes with rich flavor, but this toss-up is so refreshing! I got this recipe from Dining With The Prophets (currently only $4.99!!), a cookbook with recipes from The Lion House Pantry, a cute little restaurant in the heart of Salt Lake City on page 24. It's listed as "Spencer W. Kimball's Raspberry Cheesecake". And it's so yummy!
This cheesecake is quite a bit of a change from your typical cheesecake, it's actually very light and fluffy. I do enjoy the decadent cheesecakes with rich flavor, but this toss-up is so refreshing! I got this recipe from Dining With The Prophets (currently only $4.99!!), a cookbook with recipes from The Lion House Pantry, a cute little restaurant in the heart of Salt Lake City on page 24. It's listed as "Spencer W. Kimball's Raspberry Cheesecake". And it's so yummy!
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Grandma's Chicken Marinade

This recipe is, as always my style, super easy. It's a chicken marinade so I love to put it in the morning and let it sit throughout the day and let it marinade all day long. I like to put it in a large bowl or in a Ziploc bag. Whenever my parents marinaded chicken, they'd use soda in it and I loved it, the carbonation makes it taste so much better! Sprite is best for chicken marinade and Coke for a red meat!
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Chocolate Peanut Butter Easter Eggs- Reece's Copycat

I love Easter. Coming from a small town, we have a city Easter egg hunt each year, and for as long as I can remember, I have helped stuff the eggs beforehand and set them out for the kids to pick up at the local park. My family is religious, so we always celebrate the Easter Bunny and egg hunting the day before Easter Sunday so we can focus on Christ on Easter Sunday where we read in the Bible and discuss His death and resurrection. I have enjoyed this tradition because it's fun to have fun, but also a great time to love and appreciate what Easter is about. Another reason why I love Easter is because of the movies. My favorite Easter movies are: "It's the Easter Beagle Charlie Brown", "Here Comes Peter Cottontail" (original version), and "The Easter Bunny is Comin' to Town"- this one is my absolute favorite because of the colors and graphics, it's adorable! Spring is beautiful and the flowers for Easter is another highlight of this time for me.
I would definately recommend getting an egg-shaped cookie cutter before starting these. I completely forgot and ended up cutting them all individually, which was honestly a little bit of a hassle. So, get a cookie cutter and it will make this a lot easier and way more enjoyable to make. Another hint: keep them in the freezer while dipping in chocolate. Don't take the whole sheet out, just one or two at a time so they stay frozen and don't break in the hot chocolate you're dipping them in. The recipe was found from The Recipe Critic.
chocolate peanut butter,
snack food,
Friday, April 7, 2017
Fruit Dip

There is a wonderful woman who I gew up in my high school years with the opportunity of knowing. I looked up to her very much, and her daughter was a huge role model to me. Now, her daughter is actually my sister-in-law and I am able to spend time with her regularly. They both have this wonderful spirit to them and are some of the most enjoyable people to be around. The mother owns a website, Lioness at the Door . I recently started following it, and I would recommend it to anyone for some extra positivity. One of her most recent blog posts featured Real Food Snacks. I tried the fruit dip and absolutely LOVED it! I never eat enough fruit, and this dip adds just a little "extra" to apples and even grapes. My fruit always ends up going bad because I can't finish it in time, but this fruit dip reminds me to eat the fruit because I want to keep eating it- haha!
It uses cream cheese, molasses, honey, and a little bit of vanilla. If you don't like molasses, I guess you could use brown sugar or something, but I think it tastes just fine if you add the correct amount of molasses- it mixes very well. It's the perfect little snack, I saw my nephew eating it the other night and loving it, so it proves that even kids like it!
fruit dip,
healthy snack,
meals for two,
snack food,
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Cooked Carrots

Originally, I just made these as a side for dinners. But, I have this problem-I pick at food so badly! If there is food sitting there, I will test it a few times just to make sure it tastes okay and whatnot. When cooking these for dinner, there was usually only about half the carrots left for dinner- oops! So now, I make them double just to be able to have carrots for snacks throughout the day!
This could be one of the most simple recipes ever. You wash the carrots, and then throw them in the slow cooker. Add some liquid- you can use water, but I prefer using chicken broth. I add about one cup, but there is usually quite a bit of liquid to drain at the end. I would rather this than them burning. Add salt and pepper, butter, or even brown sugar to the carrots for flavor (don't do brown sugar if you cooked with chicken broth, only water).
cooking for two,
meals for two,
side dish,
slow cooker,
snack food,
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Thai Coconut-Curry Broiled Tilapia

It's a super easy recipe, surprisingly. And again, fish is full of Omega-3's, so it's incredibly good for you! The original recipe is from Food.com , which I feel is always a trustworthy site. For spices, I also use good old McCormick, they are always perfect for my needs!
Tilapia Tips
Keep your tilapia frozen. When thawing out, don't defrost in microwave like other meats. It thaws out super fast! Tilapia is pre-packaged individually, keep them in the plastic when thawing out. Fill a medium-sized bowl with lukewarm water and place tilapia filets into the bowl until thaw, refreshing the water every 5 minutes (only have to replace once for a a few fish-for more, you'll have to replace more). You can also place packaged filets inside of a colander and run slightly warmed water over them until thawed.
Take the fish out of the packaging and rinse off. This gets the not-so-good, slimy, fishy taste off of them a little more and leaves the good taste. Another way you can do this, is soak them in a brine mixture in the fridge for about 10 minutes (1 cup of water to 1 tsp. salt). This makes them taste way better!
dinner for two,
meals for two,
tilapia recipes
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Lemon Garlic Slow Cooker Chicken

lemon garlic,
meals for two,
slow cooker
Monday, March 6, 2017
Seasoned Oven Fries
Friday night calls for fun food. That's my philosophy. You've made it through the week, so now it's time to kick back and relax. Most Friday's, I don't even want to cook dinner. But eating out has many downsided. So, on Friday, I try to find meals that are fun to eat and make. These are better than Wendy's fries (those are my favorite fast food fries for some reason haha) and I always pair them with Quinoa Chicken Nuggets. It's like a homemade kids meal. And since it's healthier, there's still a little room for a weekend treat!
I don't cook potatoes very often, because I feel that there are healthier choices for sides and also, they're hard for me to season. I always want to add a lot of butter, milk, sour cream, ANYTHING to add a little bit more taste to them. Salt them up and have some ketchup handy is usually my "healthy" option for any kind of potatoes. But, these changed my life. The seasoning mixture is oh, so good. A little kick, and definately salty.
I always have a hard time cutting these things correctly, so I usually let Michael do it. We cute some thinner French fries and also some slightly thicker wedges to please the both of us. They've turned out perfectly every time we've tried them. One thing to know about cooking fries, is that they're better if you start them earlier that day if you're going to chill them. Keep them in the fridge all day if needed! Boiling is a faster option, but you need to be on the ball the whole time while making these.
I don't cook potatoes very often, because I feel that there are healthier choices for sides and also, they're hard for me to season. I always want to add a lot of butter, milk, sour cream, ANYTHING to add a little bit more taste to them. Salt them up and have some ketchup handy is usually my "healthy" option for any kind of potatoes. But, these changed my life. The seasoning mixture is oh, so good. A little kick, and definately salty.
I always have a hard time cutting these things correctly, so I usually let Michael do it. We cute some thinner French fries and also some slightly thicker wedges to please the both of us. They've turned out perfectly every time we've tried them. One thing to know about cooking fries, is that they're better if you start them earlier that day if you're going to chill them. Keep them in the fridge all day if needed! Boiling is a faster option, but you need to be on the ball the whole time while making these.
French fries,
Friday food,
healthy fries,
meals for two,
seasoned fries
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Easy Like Sunday Morning Banana Bread
Cereal and oatmeal are the everyday breakfast choice for us, Sundays are the only exception. It's the day where I will spend time to make a real, homemade breakfast. This bread is the perfect thing to wake up and bake for the perfect breakfast on a Sunday morning.
I'm always guilty for buying a bunch of bananas thinking that we will eat all of them, and never do. I cut them up in cereal, for toast, eat them plain, in yogurt and smoothies, I try to find every way I can to use bananas, but there always seem to be leftovers for some reason?! They always sit in the corner until it's time to throw them away, thinking that we will use them for something. Well, this is the someting that you can use them for! No, you don't use rotted bananas, but the mooshier (yea, that's a word) the better!
banana bread,
chocolate chips,
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Blackened Tilapia Tacos- Cajun Style
These are some of my favorite things to make these days, we constantly have them on repeat at our home. I usually try to do a 3-4 week meal turnover but these are a weekly event over here and we haven't gotten sick of them yet. Fiesta for your tastebuds right here, and not even kidding.
These are super easy, and oh so healthy for you. In the past, I have had the hardest time getting myself to eat fish. I love seafood when I am near the ocean, it's so fresh and one of my favorite things to eat. But, living in a rural area in the middle of the dessert, you don't get that fresh seafood very often. Fish has tons of Omega-3 and it is so needed for your health. It's something that you can't get as well from supplements, but I know that I can't go without the benefits from Omega-3's! So, I know that I have to eat fish to receive those benefits. Frozen seafood tastes very different than fresh, but I have finally found this recipe from The Chunky Chef and it has changed the tilapia world for me! Another great thing about this recipe is you can choose for yourself how spicy it will be!
These are super easy, and oh so healthy for you. In the past, I have had the hardest time getting myself to eat fish. I love seafood when I am near the ocean, it's so fresh and one of my favorite things to eat. But, living in a rural area in the middle of the dessert, you don't get that fresh seafood very often. Fish has tons of Omega-3 and it is so needed for your health. It's something that you can't get as well from supplements, but I know that I can't go without the benefits from Omega-3's! So, I know that I have to eat fish to receive those benefits. Frozen seafood tastes very different than fresh, but I have finally found this recipe from The Chunky Chef and it has changed the tilapia world for me! Another great thing about this recipe is you can choose for yourself how spicy it will be!
Tilapia Tips
Keep your tilapia frozen. When thawing out, don't defrost in microwave like other meats. It thaws out super fast! Tilapia is pre-packaged individually, keep them in the plastic when thawing out. Fill a medium-sized bowl with lukewarm water and place tilapia filets into the bowl until thaw, refreshing the water every 5 minutes (only have to replace once for a a few fish-for more, you'll have to replace more). You can also place packaged filets inside of a colander and run slightly warmed water over them until thawed.
Take the fish out of the packaging and rinse off. This gets the not-so-good, slimy, fishy taste off of them a little more and leaves the good taste. Another way you can do this, is soak them in a brine mixture in the fridge for about 10 minutes (1 cup of water to 1 tsp. salt). This makes them taste way better!
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Valentine's Cupcakes: Chocolate Peanut Butter

They are really great for any occasion, just by adding Valentine’s themed cupcake tins and hearts at the top, they are perfect for this holiday of love. You could simply color the frosting or add sprinkles to make them even more festive. This is definitely not a recipe for only two people since it makes 18 cupcakes. We saved some for ourselves and shared with friends and family!
The original recipe from Baker By Nature calls for a peanut butter frosting-they're definately the Ultimate Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes! That’s a little too much for me, so I opted for a plain chocolate frosting and added peanut butter cups on top! Num’s the Word had a great Rolo Cupcake recipe, and I loved their frosting, so I decided to try that with these and it was perfect!
peanut butter,
Valentine's Day
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Quinoa Chicken Nuggets

I usually love Wendy's Chicken Nuggets, is that terrible of me?! But I know how unhealthy they are and I know that home cooked meals make me feel so much better.
This is your typical breaded chicken recipe, but even better since it's covered in quinoa (sidenote: did you know that quinoa has all of the essential amino acids? That's why everyone is telling you how good it is and recommending you to eat it-so, so good for you). Recipe was retreived from Creme De La Crumb.
It's so easy to make this!
Start with cooking your quinoa, I like to do this a little ahead of time because it's super hot afterwards and I like to let it cool down before covering the chicken with it.
chicken meals,
chicken nuggets,
meals for two
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Chicken Pot Pie
I could probably live off of the Marie Calendar's personal meat pies. I thought that I'd try making one of my own, and opted for a full-size pie becuase it means more (which is always better in this situation). I found the best recipe from our local cookbook!
The recipe is super simple, something that surpised me the first time that I made it.
I start out with cooking the chicken in the oven while I am boiling the vegetables (potatoes and carrots only) until they're finished cooking. Before cooking the vegetables, I cube the potatoes and slice the carrots into small rounds (I usually use petite carrots). I boil some water and throw them in there with the salt. I cook them until the potatoes are about to fall apart, almost the doneness of mashed potatoes, because they turn out to be super creamy in the finished pie and it's the best! When they're almost finished, I start on the gravy. If I cook the gravy too far ahead, it thickens up too much before pouring it into the pie shells. Preheat the oven to 425° when the chicken is finished cooking.
Finishing Up
When everything is done cooking, start preparing the pie shells. With the first shell, keep in the tin and place on a cookie sheet. Pour the cooked vegetables and then layer frozen peas and then chicken, finishing with gravy. Place second pie shell, still in tin, on top. Slowly remove the tin and pinch edges together. Gravy might pour out, but that's what the pie tin is for! The pie is done when the top is a golden brown.
It took me a little bit of personal talking into, because I was so worried that I was going to do it incorrectly and dinner would be a disaster. Fortunately, that was not the case and it turned out great! My only problem was that it tasted a little bit bland, it definately needed more than just a little bit of salt and pepper. After a few trials, I was able to discover the right taste!
How ToThe recipe is super simple, something that surpised me the first time that I made it.
I start out with cooking the chicken in the oven while I am boiling the vegetables (potatoes and carrots only) until they're finished cooking. Before cooking the vegetables, I cube the potatoes and slice the carrots into small rounds (I usually use petite carrots). I boil some water and throw them in there with the salt. I cook them until the potatoes are about to fall apart, almost the doneness of mashed potatoes, because they turn out to be super creamy in the finished pie and it's the best! When they're almost finished, I start on the gravy. If I cook the gravy too far ahead, it thickens up too much before pouring it into the pie shells. Preheat the oven to 425° when the chicken is finished cooking.
Finishing Up
When everything is done cooking, start preparing the pie shells. With the first shell, keep in the tin and place on a cookie sheet. Pour the cooked vegetables and then layer frozen peas and then chicken, finishing with gravy. Place second pie shell, still in tin, on top. Slowly remove the tin and pinch edges together. Gravy might pour out, but that's what the pie tin is for! The pie is done when the top is a golden brown.
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